Appointment of Brother Auxiliary Visitors

“The Brother Visitor can be assisted by one or several Auxiliary Visitors. These are appointed by Brother Superior General following a submission of the names of candidates according to a procedure determined by the District Chapter”.
Rule of the Brothers 144.2

Brother Robert Schieler, Superior General, has appointed the following Brothers to accompany Brother José Román Pérez Conde, Visitor of the District ARLEP, in his ministry of animation and government, to serve as Auxiliary Visitors of the District ARLEP for a period of three years, from 2 September 2021 to 1 September 2024.

Br. José Antolínez Cuesta
Br. Jesús Félix Martínez
Br. Esteban de Vega Alonso
Br. Juan González Cabrerizo
Br. José Tomás Cuéllar
Br. Juan Carlos Orús
Br. Josep Canal Alavedra

The acronym ARLEP refers to the Lasallian Association of Spain and Portugal. District ARLEP is part of the RELEM Region: Lasallian European-Mediterranean Region.

These are some of the data from the ARLEP District:

96 communities
603 Brothers
116 educational ministries
82,054 students
6,427 lay partners

To find out more about the District ARLEP and the mission of the Brothers and Lasallians in Spain and Portugal you can access the website: or follow their social media:

Twitter: @lasalleArlep
Facebook: La Salle Arlep