
The Assembly of the Lasallian Educational Mission (AMEL) has taken place from 11 to 14 July in the Likès school complex in Quimper. This meeting, which is held every four years, enables about 80 agents in the network (one third Brothers and two thirds lay people) to boost to the new orientations of the mission and to set the course for the years to come.

What does it mean to be a Lasallian educator today? How can we continue to develop an inspiring pedagogy? The testimonies of Bishop Rivière, Philippe Paré (diocesan director of Lyon) and Jean-Jacques Erceau (Secretary General of the Congregations) were one of the threads which guided the progress of our daily reflections. They also allowed us to take the pulse of the external perception of our network.


“Educating by evangelising and evangelising by educating” is above all a position in the exemplarity of the mission. “You shall not make a difference between the business of your salvation and the business of your work”. This quote from the Founder sums up in one sentence the instruction for God in the tone of this gathering.

The main lines of action

Prospective and vitality of the mission, culture of commitment and accompaniment, evangelisation, service to the poorest and finally, the dynamics of the La Salle Educational Fraternity which is celebrating its 12th anniversary. So many orientations to be taken so that the 15,000 collaborators of the French network may always feel committed and fulfilled in the mission and that the 150,000 young people welcomed in this new school year may find in us a spiritual and professional accompaniment incarnated by each of the adults in charge.

On the international level, it was also a matter of renewing all the actions in favour of the Lasallian ministries in Lebanon which have been confronted for two years with a disastrous economic, social and political crisis, but also of following the paths opened up by the 46th General Chapter of the Brothers who met in an international assembly in Rome last May (see the heading 3 questions a).

The AMEL gave way to the Chapter of the Brothers from all over France, who ratified the lines of action during three days in plenary. The pathway is set!

By Lionel Fauthoux