Easter 2023

He’s not here. He’s Risen!

Dear Lasallian Family,

On this day we want to share with you the joy of the Lord’s Easter.
A historical-salvific event that we actualize year after year, and every Sunday. The women go to the tomb and find it empty. The angel asks them if they are looking for the Crucified, for he is not there; he has risen as he had aforesaid, and now they will find him again in Galilee, where it all began, on the outskirts, “there you will see him” (Mt 28:7b). In the text of the Easter Vigil, the invitation of God’s messenger is striking: “Come and see” (Mt 28,6b). Joy is also the dominant sentiment as opposed of fear, a joy that drives them to run out to announce to their companions such unexpected news.

Today our world needs the joyful witness of the Resurrection; our believing witness, the witness of our communities. The witness that the Resurrection of Christ has put an end to the “dominion of death” (Rom 6:9). That to be witnesses of the Resurrection is to share our condition of being “alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom 6,11). With the conviction that to proclaim the Gospel is to communicate the joy of knowing that we are loved by God, the joy of knowing that life is the last word in human existence.

May this celebration be for us the source of hope and audacity in the face of the threatened and suffering lives of so many brothers and sisters in the world in which we live. May we as communities, united to the Crucified who has risen, be able to carry out the healing and saving gestures that so many of our brothers and sisters urgently need.

May wishing us a happy Easter in these days be the expression of our commitment to Jesus’ option: to bring to all people the Good News of the Reign of God. May our joy be the expression of our daily search to bring his Kingdom a little closer to those who are on the dramatic peripheries of life.

Happy Easter!

Brother Superior General and Community of the General Council