“Great things are possible”

Lasallian Association for the Future

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“Great things are possible: Lasallian Association for the Future”. This was the theme of the formation session for Lasallians from around the world, which took place in Rome from October the 13th to the 26th.

“The Institute should reaffirm its global commitment to Association for the Educational Service of the Poor in line with the spirit of Circular 461 “Associated for the Lasallian mission… an Act of Hope”. It should evaluate, support and increase the efforts being made in this area in the different geographic sectors of the Institute.”

Proposition 5: Circular 469, November de 2014,
Documents of the 45th General Chapter.

The session
was organised in response to the global commitment to Association we are making
as Brothers and lay colleagues worldwide and in order to strengthen our Lasallian

“Continue to actively promote the growth of Association in the various Lasallian groups and religious families, with the aim of fostering at the same time joint collaboration and a deepening of Lasallian identity.”

Circular 470, p. 30, March 2015
Towards the Year 2021: Living together the Joy of our Mission.

There were
fifty-five of us participating, from thirty-two different countries representing
almost all the Districts of the Institute, and we included thirty-two lay
colleagues (men and women) and twent-three Brothers.

The goals we
set ourselves during the session included the following.

1. The
participants will develop the ability to initiate in their Districts actions to
promote Association by assessing the needs of the District and analysing the
existing procedures and structures for Association.
2. The participants will create a “tool kit”, containing possible ways for
taking Association forward.
3. The participants will work together to create an Identity card of the Lasallian

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es MG_9494-1024x683.jpg

And that was how we occupied our time. The atmosphere of fraternal listening was wonderful as we all shared the stories of our vocations and concerns and our “dreams” relating to the topic of building Association together. There were times for plenary sessions and for work in smaller language groups and times for relaxation with singing and dancing. The times for prayer were occasions for deepening our links with one another, and there were many occasions of positive experience which constantly increased our awareness of the shared future that we are building together as brothers and sisters.

We have
different backgrounds and we are inspred by different documents, but it is with
creative fidelity that we are producing new dreams and structures to ensure the
vitality of our educational mission.

All our Districts
now face the same challenge of giving dynamism to Association, and all those
who participated in the session now feel more motivated to contribute to
initiatives and plans that will produce continuous steady growth.

We in the
Secretariat for Association will support all those intitiatives as much as we

Our thanks
go to the participants for giving up their time and devoting their best
energies and commitment.

Let us inspire
Lasallians of all Districts to continue to make progress in Association.

Br. Paco Chiva,
Co-Secretary for Lasallian Association

Blog Association and Mission

Photos – Formation session on the Association