Lwanga District – Workshop for the Lasallian Family Inspires Hope for the Future

At the end of February 2023 over 40 Brothers and Lasallian Partners gathered in Nairobi at the District’s Scholasticate for a workshop designed to build Lasallian Identity, provide Formation, and begin a process of Strategic Planning in the areas of Formation and Lasallian Association. There were representatives from each Sector of the District.

The workshop was organised by the District Leadership Team of Brother Betre Fisseha, Brother Moses Abunya and Brother Nelson Rabuske and facilitated by Heather Ruple, Co-Secretary of Association, and Alan Weyland, long-time Lasallian and educational consultant from RELAN.

It was clear from the start of the workshop there was a great sense fraternity, goodwill, and commitment to the Lasallian Mission by all those who were gathered. Participants engaged in presentations on Appreciative Inquiry, the development and role of Association and Formation, the 46th General Chapter and the 3rd International Mission Assembly outcomes, as well as time for vocational reflection and sharing of their own stories.

Jane Wambui Mainah appreciated being part of the community gathered. She shared that “the workshop was very educative, interactive, productive, and well-organized. It encouraged team work and enabled participants to share their stories and borrow from one other what was working well in various Sectors of the District. It brought hope to the District.”

Reflecting on his participation, Yonas Urbanos from Sector of Ethiopia said, “the hands-on practice on the strategic plan was very helpful and we do all our best to put into action what we have planned for the Sector level.” Yonas appreciated the Lasallian Formation and the time spent to deepen understanding of Association.

Heather Ruple said of the experience. “It was a privilege to accompany and facilitate the workshop. I was struck by the openness to building the Lasallian Family in the District. Each participant, Brother and Partner alike, brought their hope, wisdom and zeal to the experience and I was moved by the deep sharing and sense of community that was built. Wonderful things come from these shared experiences of Brothers and Partners and I’m excited to see the fruits of the strategic planning process. It was a moving and tangible experience of ‘Together and by Association.’”

Throughout the week time was spent processing the experience. It was clear there was great openness to moving forward as one Lasallian Family.