The Leavening Project

Dear Brothers and members of the Lasallian Family,

When as a General Council we met for the first time in San José Guausa, Bogotá, we began to ask ourselves how we would stimulate the Institute to move forward in the seven years ahead of us.

We wondered how we would bring everyone together in a journey that spans almost three hundred and fifty years. As guardians of the inheritance we have received, how would we continue the path already begun again and again with powerful initiatives to deepen our commitment to Association for the educational service of the poor, such as those emerged after the General Chapter of 1966 and later with “One hundred plus”, “Islands of Creativity”, “Beyond the Borders”, the inter-congregational initiatives in the mission of “Fratelli”.

How can we now deepen our commitment to what the 46th General Chapter indicates to us with great clarity, strength and prophetism? And at the same time, how can we continue to grow in the many experiences of fraternities, communities, and other vibrant intentional experiences that have known how to interpret the newness of the Gospel to read in faith the signs of the times in the Church of the 21st century, living together the call of Jesus Christ? In those days, and later in Nairobi, we became more engaged with these questions which led us to think about the project that we are presenting to you today. You will not find in these lines a great inspiration, a grand plan or a detailed programme.

We invite you to read these pages as a fraternal invitation to start a pilgrimage together.