New Brothers
Dear Brothers and Lasallian Community!
With great joy and hope we present the three new Brothers from Mozambique Sector and also the Perpetual Profession of Brother Marcos Antonio Michiua.
Brother Sebastião Pereira, coordinator of the Lasallian Mission in Mozambique, had the opportunity to be present at the meeting of the District Council of the Lwanga District of Africa, which took place from June 28th to July 1st, in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Lwanga District consists of six countries (Sectors): South Africa, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria and Kenya.
Following the District Council, the First Vows of 10 young Brothers who were completing their novitiate were celebrated, including three from the Mozambique Sector. The celebration took place on July 3rd, and the following young Brothers from Mozambique made their vows:
• Brother Carolino Azevedo Jamal
• Brother Januário Felizardo Moisés
• Brother Mossito Molipiha Saquine Guhua
The three new Brothers will live in Mozambique for one year, from August 2021 to July 2022, and during this time they will form a community in the central house and will develop pastoral and educational activities in Lasallian works and helping pastoral groups in the local parish.
After this period of pastoral experience, they will return to Nairobi where they will study and do the Scholasticate stage for four years.
Brother Visitor Olavo Dalvit sent the following greetings for the moment: “As the District of Brazil-Chile we would like to welcome the 3 three new Brothers. May they also feel part of our District and count on our support. We are together!”
Perpetual Vows of Brother Marcos Antonio Michiua
On the month of July, in the parish of São Benedito, in Beira, the perpetual profession of Brother Marcos Antonio Muchiua took place. Brother Marcos is a native of the Chicuaxa community, Xibabava district, Sofala province.
The community participated with joy and vibration in his consecration. Also present were several people from the parish community, religious from different congregations and priests from the archdiocese of Beira, Sofala.
“Brother Marcos António, count on our support and esteem. May you be ever more animated in religious life and in the mission to those who are most in need, in Beira or wherever the Institute needs you.” (Olavo Dalvit – Visitor of the District of La Salle Brazil Chile).