By Brother Alexánder González, FSC Secretary – Coordinator of the Communications and Technology Service Rome
On December 1, hundreds of Brothers, Associates and friends of the Institute gathered at the Generalate in Rome to close the Lasallian Jubilee Year in a Eucharist in front of the relics of the Founder as a testimony that tradition is alive and continues to be passionate for God, for humanity and for nature.
The #300LaSalle is coming to an end. These were several months of celebration that will give us impetus a few more centuries. Prayers, service, colors, unity, missionary passion, creativity and pride in being Lasallian were the common denominator in every corner of the five regions of the Institute. For this reason, and in gratitude to God for the blessings received during this Lasallian Jubilee Year, the Eucharist was celebrated in the Sanctuary of St. John Baptist de La Salle which was presided over by the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi and concelebrated by several priests who are friends of the Institute and accompanied by religious and among them several Superiors General.
Here are photos of the celebration.
EIn a solemn and at the same time familiar atmosphere, the voices of the boys and girls of the choir of the La Salle School in Rome, directed by Brother Mario Chiarapini, FSC, and the ones of teachers and parents with the musical accompaniment of Brother Rodolfo Meoli, FSC, gave a beautiful and sonorous joy to this moment of thanksgiving to God. The musical notes and the lyrics of the song “Tu che sei la nostra storia” by Massimo Ceccarelli, an employer at the Generalate, also enriched this moment.
The ceremony ended with the blessing of a mosaic of the logo of the #300LaSalle and the
words of Brother Superior General:
Your Eminence, Sisters and brothers: thank you for joining us to celebrate the first Sunday of Advent and to bring to a close the year-long commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the death of John Baptist de La Salle.
All year we have contemplated De La Salle’s encounter with Jesus Christ that impelled him to events that proved to be surprising, upsetting and, over time, of great benefit to God’s people.
We recall that just like us, he, too, heard the words of St. Paul: “You know the time has come; the moment is here for you to stop sleeping and wake up, because by now our salvation is nearer than when we first began to believe”.
De La Salle’s practical response to the Word of God was to provide a human and Christian education to the sons of artisans and the poor. He urged his Brothers and students to “throw off everything that belongs to darkness” and to live in the light of Christ.

We remember John Baptist de La Salle because, through his words and actions, he wakes us up to the coming of Christ. As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let us follow his example by increasing our efforts to respond to the needs of those who are poor, especially those who seek to “live in the light of day” through participation in our Lasallian educational communities.
Let us pray that our attentive listening to God’s Word during this Advent season will wake us up and impel us to events that are surprising, upsetting and of great benefit to God’s people.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Thank you!
Listen here to the song ““Tu che sei la nostra storia” by Massimo Ceccarelli:
Remember other moments of the Lasallian Jubilee Year in our social networks lasalleorg