World Congress of Former Students – UMAEL 2019
You can still register!
There are a few weeks to go until the seventh UMAEL Congress, and perhaps there are some local associations who have not yet made arrangements to participate in the meeting. There is still time to do it, and so we want to share with you the following message from the President of UMAEL.
A message to all Lasallian
Associations of Former Students.
You have all received information
about the Congress of UMAEL (World Union of Lasallian Former Students) which
will take place conjointly with the Huether Conference in Minneapolis, USA.
It is one of the objectives of our
Institute/Regions/Districts to develop the Lasallian world on the basis of
association between Brothers and lay colleagues, and by this close relationship
to promote the charism which links us all profoundly to the gospel and to the
faith which is central to our existence.
We want to encourage all former
students and their associations to support our great UMAEL Association, and we
ask all those in charge of Districts to look into the possibilities available
for participating in the UMAEL CONGRESS. There is still time!
Even if your association is not
officially listed as part of UMAEL, your representative(s) will still be able
to participate in the Congress and discover the importance these links can have
for the life of your school or university, and how they can contribute to the
creation of a global community.
To learn more about the Congress, go to: https://www.lasallian.info/umael where you will find details of how to contact us. Yours fraternally,
President of UMAEL
4 October 2019
Dear Lasallian Alumni/ae,
I join the planning committee to encourage your participation in 7th World Congress of the World Association of Lasallian Former Students (UMAEL), to be held November 21-23, 2019
in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This international association has three main objectives: 1) to defend and promote the freedom of education, 2) to collaborate with, and support Catholic institutions to carry out their mission and purpose without hindrance and according to Gospel values, and 3) to work towards making education available to as many young people as possible. (UMAEL website)

UMAEL is one of four international Lasallian networks – the Brothers’ Institute, the International Association of La Salle Universities (IALU) and the Signum Fidei Movement being the others – that have the potential to accomplish great things not only for the children, young people and adults entrusted to our care, but to the larger society as well. Today, UMAEL is made up of over 50 alumni association and federations. Collectively and united, together and by association, these networks contribute to building more just and fraternal societies, so much needed in our time.
During this special Jubilee Year celebrating the Life of our Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, and the 25th anniversary of UMAEL, the Congress planning committee has chosen the theme “Beyond the Borders: One Heart. One Commitment. One Life.” Please join alumni/ae from around the globe at the World Congress, an opportunity to expand the organizational vision and priorities of UMAEL in order to strengthen the support of the Lasallian mission. The keynote speakers include: Brother William Mann, FSC, Dr. Mary Catherine Fox, and myself. (more Congress details and registration information here)
It is important to note that the World Congress is open to all alumni/ae of Lasallian institutions, but only those who belong to a federation or association that is a member of UMAEL may vote in the General Assembly, held at the end of the World Congress. (UMAEL membership information here)
I encourage you to take the time to consider how connecting with Lasallian alumni/ae internationally might enhance what your institution is offering to your alumni network locally. If you have any further questions about the 2019 UMAEL World Congress, or need assistance navigating the UMAEL membership process, please contact the coordinator of the World Congress, Karin McClelland, at umael.secretary@lasalle.org.
Brother Robert Schieler, FSC
Brother Superior

UMAEL Association mondiale des anciens élèves lasalliens

IALU International Association La Salle Universities

Région Lasallienne de l’Amerique du Nord / Lasallian Region of North America