In the 1970s, in many places throughout the Lasallian world, lay persons who wanted a more committed Christian life asked the Brothers of the Christian Schools to be able to share more closely with them not just their educational work but also their own spirit. This is how the Signum Fidei Fraternity came into being. The Signum Fidei Fraternity member is an adult lay Christian, man or woman, who has been called by God in a special way.

The member wishes to live his or her baptismal consecration more fully and to be in the world and particularly in the field of Christian education a living sign of God’s love for humankind, especially amidst the poor and the abandoned. The “Signum Fidei Fraternity” is part of the Lasallian Family and its members are associated in small communities that belong to a Lasallian District, Sub-District, or Delegation. All members of the Fraternity strive to integrate the essential elements of their vocation in their lives, in the following way: The “Signum Fidei” member is an adult, lay Christian who, by responding to the Lord’s call, realizes his or her baptismal commitment through the “Signum Fidei Consecration” and is committed to follow Jesus by living the Gospel radically.

The Signum Fidei member strives to follow the Gospel journey of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and deepens and lives the Lasallian spirituality. All members live in a community of faith in which Lasallian fraternity is experienced. The Signum Fidei member is a living witness for others in their family life, in their professional work and in their social relationships.