On the last Sunday of the month of January, the Eucharistic Celebration of District Day 2021 was held in the Chapel of Saint Joseph in Canoas/RS, both in person and on-line. It was a time of thanksgiving for the life and mission of the District of Brasil-Chile through the renewal of the religious consecration of 9 young Brothers and 13 jubilarian Brothers, three of whom had already passed away in 2020, and for the Jubilee of the educational communities. The ceremony was broadcast live on the La Salle Network channel on You Tube. The celebration was presided over in person by Father César Leandro Padilha, and on-lineby Father Patricio Pino, from Santiago de Chile. Brother Paulo Petry, General Councillor for the Lasallian Latin American and Caribbean Region (RELAL) also participated online.
On this occasion, important moments in the religious life of the Brothers took place. Nine young Brothers renewed their temporary vows for another year: André Felipe Nawroski, Carlos Eduardo Everton, Cleiton Luiz Kerber, Fábio Kolling, Feiruque de Jesus dos Santos, Gabriel Pôrto César, Jordan Rodrigo Carvalho Vilar, Taylon de Amorim Torres and William Mallmann.

The celebration also included the on-linerenewal of the consecration of the Jubilarian Brothers. They are:
60 years of Consecration
Blásio Donato Hillebrand – Perpetual Profession
Br. Olírio Bertuol – First Profession
Br. Walter Körbes – First Profession
Br. Santiago Jesús Eizaguirre Garaitagoitia – First Profession
70 years of Consecration
Br. Adão Urbano Bergmann – First Profession
Br. Edwino Holz (in memoriam) – Perpetual Profession
Br. Alberto Knob (in memoriam) – First Profession
75 years of Consecration
Br. Ervino Arsênio Dilly – First Profession
Br. Hilário Arraldi – First Profession
Br. Silverio del Rosario Hernández Márquez – First Profession
Br. Victorino Arnildo Algieri – First Profession
80 years of Consecration
Br. Ivo Alves Arnhold – First Profession
Br. Arnaldo Mário Hillebrand (in memoriam) – First Profession
Brother Blásio Hillebrand, who resides in the La Salle Canoas/RS Community – the only Jubilarian Brother present and representing the other jubilarians – received from Brother Visitor a tribute for his years of service in the educational mission inherited from our Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

During the moment of thanksgiving, after the Eucharistic communion, the Visitor, Brother Olavo José Dalvit, presented some new initiatives of the District of Brasil-Chile which will be implemented from this year 2021.
- The opening of two Missionary Communities made up of Brothers and lay volunteers in the same residence, located in Presidente Médici/MA and in Altamira/PA, to provide formation and education to the most deprived places in these Brazilian States.
- The opening of two Missionary Communities made up of Brothers and lay volunteers in the same residence, located in Presidente Médici/MA and in Altamira/PA, to provide formation and education to the most deprived places in these Brazilian States.
- The opening of two Missionary Communities made up of Brothers and lay volunteers in the same residence, located in Presidente Médici/MA and in Altamira/PA, to provide formation and education to the most deprived places in these Brazilian States.
- The opening of two Missionary Communities made up of Brothers and lay volunteers in the same residence, located in Presidente Médici/MA and in Altamira/PA, to provide formation and education to the most deprived places in these Brazilian States.
- The opening of two Missionary Communities made up of Brothers and lay volunteers in the same residence, located in Presidente Médici/MA and in Altamira/PA, to provide formation and education to the most deprived places in these Brazilian States.
After the celebration, the coordinator of the School Pastoral Ministry and Vocations Ministry, Brother Éder Polido, launched the pastoral theme of the Institute for the year 2021, which is found in the Lasallian Reflection No. 6, entitled “You are part of the miracle; our vision, our passion, our future”, a motto based on the biblical passage of the multiplication of the loaves, Mt 14: 12-21, Please click here to find more information.
The ceremony was streamed live on the La Salle Network’s YouTube channel and can be watched in full by clicking here.
See photos of the event by clicking here.