The International Council for Lasallian Association and the Educational Mission

The International Council for Lasallian Association and the Educational Mission (CIAMEL), as defined by its statutes, is a deliberative and collaborative body of Brothers and Partners representing the worldwide Institute. It is established for the animation and direction of all existing and future educational programs that embody the Lasallian mission. CIAMEL’s work reflects the ambition of supporting every student confided to our care, especially the poor and the most vulnerable.
The strategic role that this new structure is entrusted with requires a careful selection of its membership, which ideally will be composed of one third Brothers and two-thirds Partners. This selection will follow a process guided by, and based on, specific criteria that aim at selecting Lasallians from the worldwide Institute who are capable of contributing to the fulfillment of the Council´s mandate. The approved statutes provide these criteria to all those involved in the selection process of candidates, namely the Brother Visitors and the Brother General Councilors for the Regions. The Brother Superior General and his Council will make the final appointments with a view to ensuring balance and diversity in the membership of the Council.
Alisa Macksey, RELAN – President CIAMEL
Rose Dala Nanema, West Africa
Colette Allix, France
Keane Palatino, ICYL
Merv McCormack, PARC
Br. William Mann, IALU
Br. Jesús Félix Martínez, FSC RELEM
Br. Ferdinand Biziyaremiye, FSC RELAF
Br. Carlos M. Castañeda Casas, FSC RELAL

Collection: Towards the Declaration
Nº1 – December 2016