“The Institute is pleased to announce the newest District to be known as the Lasallian District of South Asia (LASAD). The new District is composed of India and Sri Lanka. The inauguration took place on Saturday, May 15. On that very day, the first Visitor of LASAD, Brother Bertram Perera, began his term of office. The Auxiliary Visitor is Brother Amalan Thangasamy.
The process of merging started two years ago and culminated last February with two separate local Chapters.
LASAD is another phase in the life of Lasallians in India and Sri Lanka. Let us all pray for the success of the Lasallian Mission in this part of the world”.

Lasallian South Asia District
The New Identity given to the District is “Lasallian South Asia District – LASAD.” From this moment onwards, the TWO Sectors of INDIA and SRI LANKA, will journey together in unison, with ample opportunity for implementing “Association for the Mission.” Inspired by some Brothers from India and Sri Lanka, the District Logo was conceived on 12 May 2021. The divided Blue and Green Star represents the two Sectors. The identity “LASAD” unites both sectors together as one. The two Sectors are held by TWO mighty hands which signify the “Presence and Omnipotence of God” in our New District LASAD. As we are situated in the South Asian Region, as well as in the middle of Indian Ocean, the Logo displays LASAD emerging from the Ocean. It reveals the historical bonds of multi-culture, diverse-spirituality, socio-political background and economic development that exist in the South Asian Region. The Ocean also denotes the challenges and opportunities that we will experience as One District. Let us travel together for the promotion of “Human and Christian Education to all youth, especially the poor.”
By: Christy Croos, FSC. 12 May 2021
Graphic design by: Mervyn Lambert, FSC.