1 Estatísticas: Oxfam America. 2020, Annual Report.
3 Claudio Magris. Utopía y Desencanto. Editorial Giuseppe, 1996.
4 Carta 54.8 – Ao Irmão Roberto, 1º de maio de 1708.
5 Cf. Circular 470 “Rumo ao ano 2021: Vivendo juntos a alegria de nossa missão”. Roma, 2015.
7 International Lasallian Exchanges
8 (20+) LSdreams | Facebook.
9 https://www.facebook.com/lasalleorg
10 De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale ONUS: Homepage (lasallefoundation.org)
11 https://www.lasalle.org.mx/comunidad-segura/
14 https://www.catholicvirtual.com/benilde-global-campus-2/
15 http://www.lasallianonline.org/moodle
16 https://www.fscdena.org/advent-retreat-2020/week-one/
17 http://lasalleca.org/lasallistasenpascua
18 http://lasalleca.org/proyecto-yo-me-sumo
19 https://delasalle.org/programs-events/brothers-formation/
20 http://www.lasalleitalia.net
21 https://espiritualidad.lasalle.es/
22 http://www.somoslasalle.com/
23 Instagram @somoslasallanos y @somoslasallanosparaguay
24 https://www.youtube.com/lasallecolombia
26 https://www.lasalle.org/profundizar-la-espiritualidad-lasaliana/
27 https://www.facebook.com/ceals.lasalle – https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/ceals
28 https://lasallian.info/lasallian-higher-education-group-focuses-on-advocacy-and-social-justice/
29 https://www.delasalle.ph/kadauno
30 Cfr. Richard Rohr, The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See (The Crossroad Publishing Company: 2009), 156-158.
31 Imagem tomada do site https://discover.hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/When-God-Gives-You-the-Silent-Treatment.
34 Declaração sobre a Missão Educativa Lassalista, art. 1, pág. 117. Roma, 2020.
35 Cfr. David P. Barash. Paradigmas perdidos: Cómo cambia la ciencia. Revista Letras Libres. Abril 2020.