Building new paths to transform lives

Rome, 30 April 2020
Dear Brothers:
The 46th General Chapter is on the horizon and God continues to invite us to follow Him with fidelity and confidence. We recall the letter that John Baptist de La Salle addressed to a doubtful Brother Gabriel Drolin. The Founder invited Brother Gabriel to bear everything with patience, always believing in God’s providence and to carry on with his valuable mission in Rome. In this beautiful letter, the Founder promised Brother Gabriel that he would never abandon him and encouraged him to persevere.
In the beginning of the Institute, De La Salle insisted that the first Brothers be aware of the wisdom of God, because He does everything for and with us. Today, we remember and rejoice in the presence of God and trust that an awareness of his presence will inspire us to be creative, dynamic, joyful and open to renewal of heart and mind. Now is the time to recommit to Jesus Christ! Now is the time to reaffirm our belief that great things are possible through our fraternal communion and our ministry of human and Christian education!
Recently, Pope Francis wrote to young people about how wonderful it is to see the stars at night and how they invite us to dream, to know where we are and to lead us to the Holy Child. The Pope asks us to be shining stars for the young and to guide them to Jesus Christ incarnated in this world. The 46th General Chapter is an opportunity to rekindle the lights of those stars and renew our commitment to fraternal communion with each other, our Partners, children, youth, young adults and all those whom we encounter, especially those who are poor. In this way, we will continue to cooperate with Jesus Christ and his mission for the Reign of God in this challenging and complex time in our history.

Go to the website of the 46th General Chapter