International Lasallian Days for Peace (ILDP)
21 September to 21 October 2020
Much has changed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges nations face have become amplified as a lot of people are displaced, many continue to be hungry, economies are down, borders remain closed and millions infected by the virus.
I CHOOSE PEACE is our invitation to every Lasallian, as we virtually come together for this year’s ILDP. We encourage each one to continue to choose making our world a better place and to choose peace even in the simplest of situations.
As we continue to be confronted with re-emerging societal issues of violence, racism, inequality and poverty, let PEACE be our guiding principle in responding to the signs of the times. We call on the Lasallian family to continue the dialogue promoting peace and to TAKE ACTION toward a just, humane and peaceful society.
Let us celebrate ILDP 2020 by ‘virtually traveling around the world’ and connecting with other Lasallians as we say, I CHOOSE PEACE! We remain in this together, united and hopeful more than ever!