Why a ” Year of Lasallian Spirituality” ?
Two years ago, our delegates, at the General Chapter, decided “to dedicate the year 2025 to deepen and share Lasallian spirituality in the Church and the world, on the occasion of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Bull of Approbation”. (46th GC, 2.1)
This decision was connected with two others: that of “creating an international network of Lasallian spirituality which supports animators and accompaniers in the interior life, which will sponsor international, regional and District programmes, experiences, and resources”. (2.3) And, in addition, it indicated a way of accompaniment with a Councillor in charge and a possible Secretariat (2.2).
This is all part of the Institute’s second Pathway of Transformation, the Pathway of Radical Availability to God. Some of these Chapter proposals are still to be specified after a couple of attempts. This year is an opportunity to start again.
We have a treasure to share, our spirituality for teachers.

He is in our midst to unite us to one another, thus accomplishing by himself what he had asked his Father for us before his death, through these words in Saint John:
That they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you. . . , John 17:21
that they may be brought to perfection as one. . . . John 17:23
In other words, may we be so united and closely bound together, having but one spirit, namely, the Spirit of God, that we may never be disunited. cf. Eph 4:3–6.
EMO 2,27